Healthy muffins from Hunter. |
Thanks Cole for the cool snack Cole. |
We tried baked chick peas! |
We started our discussion with a question of the week?
What is your favourite food?
This writing and drawing tells us pizza and chocolate milk! |
We started the book Reading the Alphabet by Lois Ehlert
P is for pineapple and pomegranate
They love getting their picture taken. |
Tasting the pineapple. Most of the children enjoyed it! |
Pomegranate Seeds |
Vance loves pomegranate seeds! |
Question of the day |
Potatoes are healthy. |
We are practising our scissor skills. |
We cut out food from the flyers. We did inventive spelling. Fish is healthy. |
We are using our 5 senses. "The kiwi feels fuzzy." |
"Look at all the seeds!" |
Coloring a kiwi green. |
Writing and Representing using our 5 senses. It feels fuzzy. |
Oliver is making a pineapple out of play doh. |
Look at the pomegranate seeds. |
Oliver made a pomegranate out of playdoh. Oliver is sharing his idea with his classmates. |
The Play Corner-Playing restaurant. |
The children love to make pictures and color. |
Carmen made a book about fruit. |
Small group work at the literacy center. |
Inventive spelling. Cheese is healthy. |
Carmen likes pineapple. |
Yogurt is healthy. |
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