Healthy Eating

Healthy muffins from Hunter.

Thanks Cole for the cool snack Cole.

 Barbie from Yums food adventure talked to the class about healthy eating.
 Yums and Fussy pants

 Thanks for healthy snack Lyla
 Yummy vegetables!

 Thanks Morgan for healthy snack- March 13, 2013
 Lyla and Morgan helped make trail mix. It was yummy!

 Carly sorted her trail mix!

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 Thanks for healthy snack Carmen!
We loved the oranges!

Thank you to Bridget and her family for bringing in healthy snack.

We tried baked chick peas!

We started our discussion with a question of the week?
What is your favourite food?
This writing and drawing tells us pizza and chocolate milk!

We started the book Reading the Alphabet by Lois Ehlert

P is for pineapple and pomegranate

They love getting their picture taken.

Tasting the pineapple. Most of the children enjoyed it!

Pomegranate Seeds

Vance loves pomegranate seeds!
Question of the day
Potatoes are healthy.
We are practising our scissor skills.
We cut out food from the flyers. We did inventive spelling.
Fish is healthy.
We are using our 5 senses.
"The kiwi feels fuzzy."
"Look at all the seeds!"
Coloring a kiwi green.
Writing and Representing using our 5 senses.
It feels fuzzy.
Oliver is making a pineapple out of play doh.
Look at the pomegranate seeds.
Oliver made a pomegranate out of playdoh.
Oliver is sharing his idea with his classmates.
The Play Corner-Playing restaurant.
The children love to make pictures and color.
Carmen made a book about fruit.
Small group work at the literacy center.
Inventive spelling.
Cheese is healthy.
Carmen likes pineapple.
Yogurt  is healthy.
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The pineapple top feels bumpy.

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Play Doh Fun- Hands on Learning

Rainbows and Canada's Food Guide

 Making a Craft

Sorting food into the 4 food groups

We will touch on healthy eating and healthy bodies through out the year.