Creative Development

We love this book!

Making creations with boxes.

We had spaghetti in the sensory table.

Painting an alien!

Our Pride Wall

We are making dinosaurs using Cole's book.

Fun with playdoh.

Painting with peppers!

The shape made shamrocks!

Happy St.Patrick's day!

Lyla and Oliver make Mat Man..Look at his Mohawk!

 Tracking left to right
 Snowman Craft

 We have farm animals and chick peas in our sensory table.
 Painting is fun!

Happy New year! We love glitter!

Oliver built a helicopter in the block center.

We created a pile of leaves.

We created a scarecrow book out of pattern blocks.

We made scarecrows out of paper bags with our book buddies.

Good job.

Painting with q-tips

Great job Jesse!

Hand print art

Emma's butterfly

Hayden's horse

Ella's Monster

I see you Bridget

Self portrait

Self portrait